On November 20 2015, the ICOS ERIC has been officially established in Brussels by the European Commission, and ICOS is now among the first 12 large EU Research Infrastuctures. This will enable a…
On the last of July the ObsPack data product GLOBALVIEWplus V1.0 has been released. It has been prepared by Ken Masarie (NOAA) and Ingrid van der Laan-Luijkx (ICOS Carbon Portal/Wageningen…
The Finnish Government approved on Thursday, 2nd April, for Finland to send to the European Commission the formal request to set up ICOS ERIC
The application has been sent to the Director…
ICOS RI representatives used this opportunity to present ENVRIplus project which will be launched in May
This year's European Geosciences Union General Assembly has been held in Vienna…
Workshop highlighted the importance of Model-Data Fusion in providing high-quality information on atmospheric greenhouse gases to society in general and specifically to decision makers.
H2020 project "Environmental Research Infrastructures providing shared solutions for science and society" is funded by the European Commission for the next four years
This H2020 project…