Head Office & Central Facilities' contacts

On this page:

Head Office

Visiting address: ICOS ERIC Head Office, Erik Palménin aukio 1, FI-00560 Helsinki, FINLAND

E-mail: info (at) icos-ri.eu



ICOS ERIC Director General
Werner Kutsch
Executive Assistant
Inka Hellä
+358 50 352 3299
EU Project Lead
Emilie Hachem
+358 41 757 5959
KADI project manager
Theresia Bilola
+358 50 553 0550


Tommi Pesonen
+358 40 865 4639


Head of Operations
Elena Saltikoff
PhD (Meteorology)
  • Operations unit management
  • Support & development of everyday operations of ICOS internal bodies
  • Services for the scientific use of ICOS data
  • First contact for EU project proposals
+358 50 593 3791
Data Analyst
Ville Kasurinen
PhD (Forest Ecology)
  • E-shape project: coordination of Global Carbon and GHG Emissions pilot
  • HO contact for elaborated data products development
+358 50 404 5468
Science Integration Officer
Sindu Raj Parampil
PhD (Atmosphere & Ocean Science)
  • Facilitation of the initiatives of the ICOS academic community
  • CoCO2 project: work package 7.3
  • Supporting the work of the ICOS Scientific Advisory Board
+358 50 350 7012
Operations Officer
Evi-Carita Riikonen
PhD (Human Geography), eMBA (RI management)
  • RI operational and governance development
  • Community engagement
  • Projects related to RI management and training e.g. ERIC Forum, RItrainPlus
+358 50 448 8787
Science Officer, Operations
Janne-Markus Rintala
PhD (Marine Biology) & Adjunct Prof. (Aquatic Sciences)
  • Ocean observations' technological and scientific research & development
  • ICOS Science Conference
+358 50 541 3745
Observation Network Officer
Maiju Tiiri
MSc (Biology, Environmental Ecology)
  • Coordination of the ICOS station network (new stations, station cooperation agreements, onboarding)
  • ICOS Science Conference
+358 50 543 3673
Project Officer
Liisa Ikonen
MSc (Environmental Science)
  • ICOS Cities project
  • ICOS evaluations and monitorings
  • Stakeholder cooperation
+358 50 543 6774

Strategy and International Cooperation

Head of Strategy & International Cooperation
Emmanuel Salmon
PhD (Physical Chemistry of Polymers)
  • Integration of new countries into ICOS ERIC
  • Liaison with European (ENVRI Community) and global cooperation frameworks e.g. UNFCCC, GEO, GERI
  • Projects with relevance for international cooperation e.g. VERIFY, CoCO2
+358 50 428 8166


Email: icos-comms (at) icos-ri.eu


Head of Communications
Katri Ahlgren
+358 40 350 2557
Communications Specialist
Charlotta Henry
MPS (Communications & Journalism)
  • ICOS Cities - PAUL EU project
  • FLUXES the European Greenhouse Gas Bulletin
  • #ExploreICOS station video & photo campaign
+358 50 543 6772
Communications Specialist
Karlina Ozolina
MRes (Environmental Physiology)
  • ICOS website content development
  • KADI project communications
  • ENVRI community communications
+358 50 505 6133
Communications Specialist
Maria Luhtaniemi
MSocSc (Urban Studies)
  • Social media, newsletter & website content development
  • ICOS Science Conference 2024
  • GEORGE project communications
  • RItrainPlus project communications
+358 50 324 9900
Communications Planner
Peter Taggart
MA (Russian Studies)
  • Website and social media content creation
  • NUBICOS Communications
  • ICOS Science Conference
  • ICOS Newsletter management
+358 50 479 3653
Digital Communications Specialist
Annina Bergman
  • ERIC Forum
+358 40 757 7581
Service Designer
Mariana Salgado
PhD Media Studies
+358 40 585 7727

Carbon Portal

Director of Carbon Portal
Alex Vermeulen
MSc Environmental Sciences (Air Quality & Meteorology)
  • Leading the ICOS Carbon Portal
  • Member of the ICOS RI-Committee
  • Chair of WMO GAW Scientific Advisory Group on Greenhouse Gases
+46 46 222 9298
Management and science
Harry Lankreijer
+46 46 222 4967
Senior scientist/product developer
Anders Dahlner
  • Elaborated products
  • Jupyter notebooks
+46 46 222 86 96
Maggie Hellström
+46 46 222 9683
Carbon Portal PI, Netherlands
Wouter Peters
Science, Elaborated products
Ute Karstens
+46 46 222 9596
Project Manager ICOS Cities (PAUL)
Claudio D'Onofrio
MSc Human Computer Interaction, EngD Engineering Doctorate
  • Data Science
  • Jupyter Hub & Python development
  • European Projects: ENVRI-FAIR, CoCO2
+46 46 222 8696
André Bjärby
System Architect
Oleg Mirzov
PhD (Chemical Physics)
  • Lead Developer, core data/metadata services
+46 46 222 9173
Software developer
Jonathan Thiry
Klara Broman
  • Development of the metadata and data services
Scientific engineer
Arndt Meier
  • eDICE inversion demonstrator
Project Manager
Angeliki Adamaki
  • ENVRI-FAIR, EOSC Future and other EU projects
  • Open Science, FAIR Data and Services, Data Management
Research assistant
Ida Storm
Scientific products developer, Researcher
Zhendong Wu
+46 46 222 1731
Scientist, Remote Sensing specialist
Zheng Duan
Remco de Kok
  • Elaborated products
Jonathan Schenk
  • Development of the metadata and data services
Software engineer
Zois Zogopoulos
  • Jupyter hub & python development
  • User and service administration
  • European projects: EOSC Future
Scientific advisor
Marko Scholze

Atmosphere Thematic Centre

ATC Director
Leonard Rivier
Michel Ramonet
Senior Researcher, Group Leader, ATC Mobile Lab Unit
Hermanni Aaltonen

Ecosystem Thematic Centre

ETC Director
Dario Papale
+39 0761 357044
ETC Executive Committee member - Data Unit, Network Unit
Bert Gielen
+32 3 265 2363
Coordination of ETC soil and plant analysis
Benjamin Loubet
+33 1 30 81 5533

Ocean Thematic Centre

OTC Director
Richard Sanders

Central Analytical Laboratories

Head, ICOS Flask and Calibration Laboratory
Armin Jordan
Head, Central Radiocarbon Laboratory
Samuel Hammer
Fadwa Damak
+49 364 1310 7531
FCL Stable isotopes analysis
Markus Eritt
FCL Database & Web Application
Olaf Till