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Whenever there are any new positions available at the ICOS or related communities we will announce it on this page.

If you have information about related open vacancies, please send an email to ICOS Communications at icos-comms (at)


Open positions in the ICOS field


PhD opportunity in ocean carbon observing technologies, National Oceanography Centre (NOC), Southampton, UK

Ocean robots (sensors and vehicles) can offer the spatial and temporal coverage required to observe ocean acidification and the rapidly changing carbon cycle. Using the latest in autonomous technologies, this project will develop, demonstrate and prove the impact of high-resolution carbon observations through a series of trials around the globe.

The ocean carbon cycle is changing at an unprecedented rate with acidification threatening ocean ecosystems and blue economies. Understanding spatial and temporal variability in carbonate chemistry is essential to identify ocean acidification hotspots and better understand and predict impacts on marine life. Autonomous technology has the potential for large-scale high-resolution real-time observing (e.g. the Argo programme) and could accelerate our understanding of how the ocean carbon cycle is changing. The National Oceanography Centre (NOC) is a world leader in ocean observing technology development (sensors, samplers and vehicles) and its use for generating new knowledge. Working with engineers and scientists from the Ocean Technology and Engineering group, the successful PhD candidate will lead the optimization of novel autonomous sensor and sampler technologies (e.g. through laboratory tests and field trials, integrated on autonomous platforms such as the Autosub Long Range and gliders and profiling floats. The successful candidate will evaluate these technologies and develop new autonomous observing strategies during planned and funded sea trials to the North and mid-latitude Atlantic Ocean, Southern Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. The candidate will collaborate with the wider European ocean carbon observing community and observing technology developers through project GEORGE and TRICUSO (starting January 2025) collecting data which will improve our understanding of ocean acidification and carbon dynamics. The primary objective of this project will be to test the hypothesis that novel observing technologies can generate data of the quality required for ocean carbon sink estimates and air-sea CO2 fluxes, considering measurement uncertainty and contrasting against traditional ship-based observations.  

Deadline for applications is 8th January 2025. Read more and apply here: 


Postdoctoral fellow, URBAG, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

The postdoctoral fellow will be working alongside the URBAG research team (visit to learn more about our research and the team) and will be responsible for the GHG monitoring network that has recently been developed (visit and for developing a line of research that includes several of the following objectives, to be further defined by the candidate:

  • Explore how various land uses of the urban region such as agriculture, parks, urban forest, and built areas affect the budget of CO2 in the city, while understanding the role of atmospheric processes in the transport and distribution of CO2.
  • Develop services, tools, and datasets based on the needs of cities, for processing and analyzing the observation data to determine efficacy of GHG reduction strategies; raising awareness and engaging citizens.
  • Collaborate with other SOMMA centers in the exploitation of this data, such as BSC, IS Global, CREAF and others with whom we have already established collaboration for the use of this data.
  • Provide an exemplary urban GHG monitoring system in Europe and contribute to the European ambitious climate strategy to meet the targets of the Paris Agreement.
  • Validate GHGs inventory accounts determined by the city administration as well as urban GHGs modeling efforts and to create repositories of atmospheric C distribution in cities.
  • Intervene with schools in the city of Barcelona, so that climate culture forms part of the schools' curricula and transversal projects.
  • Supporting the core Maria de Maeztu challenges of ICTA (oceanic and land-use systems, cities, production and consumption patterns, and transformative policies) with pertinent data for their projects; i.e., modeling GHG changes due to "transformative policies", analyzing land-atmosphere CO2 exchange for urban land uses for "cities").

Deadline for applications is 8th January 2025. Read more and apply here: 


Post-doctoral fellow in atmospheric science with a focus on greenhouse gases, Lund University, Sweden

Over the coming decades changes in ecosystems due to climate change, land-use driven changes, as well as continued direct anthropogenic emissions will all play a role in the extent of global temperature rise. In 2023 the greenhouse gas (GHG) monitoring community was set a challenge through the approval by the World Meteorological Organisation’s Global Greenhouse Gas Watch (GGGW) to understand GHG fluxes at unprecedented resolution. This endeavour will require continued improvement of measurements, data processing and interpretation activities – making the most of existing infrastructure and data sources, while also trying to expand to geographical areas with currently limited coverage. We seek to support this area of work through employment of a postdoctoral scientist to bring the diverse measurement sets across different platforms in Sweden to enable the most efficient use of data across our combined monitoring infrastructure.

The postdoctoral fellow’s primary responsibility will be for developing the scientific synergies of ICOS (, ACTRIS ( and SITES ( through the use of the data products from these three Research Infrastructure networks. Working with the scientific teams across atmospheric science and ecology to create, test and evaluate new scientific hypotheses based on the combination and interpretation of these data. Creating data analysis protocols for allowing comparison of ground-based measurements that are made using diverse detection methods across different spatial and temporal scales. Using existing computational models to simulate atmospheric chemistry and transport, to enable the scientific linkage between independent datasets.

Deadline for applications is 25th October 2024. Read more and apply here: