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ICOS is participating in two major EU projects, RISCAPE and ENVRIplus. The results of these projects will be communicated, among others, to political decision makers, EU and governmental officials…

The ENVRI week is a week dedicated to Environmental Research Infrastructures. The week will take part in Riga, Latvia. Registration is open until 22 October.

Africa, Japan, global policies – how are these related to European in situ observations? The answer is science, and the research infrastructures that provide the observations and data.…

The European research infrastructure, Integrated Carbon Observation System ICOS, provides harmonised and high-precision scientific data on carbon cycle and greenhouse gas budget and perturbations…

The ICOS Science Conference for Greenhouse Gases and Biogeochemical Cycles enticed several internationally renown scientists to visit Prague, Czech Republic, in early September. The conference…

ICOS - Integrated Carbon Observation System has published its first Impact Assessment Report.

The report provides a comprehensive background on the evaluation of ICOS, and particularly…

Tilting the climate to a “hothouse Earth” state can only be prevented if we understand how the Earth is breathing, states ICOS, the Integrated Carbon Observation System. Standardised long-term…

The first full Level 2 (final quality controlled observational) data from the atmospheric network has been released on 24 August 2018 by the ICOS Atmosphere Thematic Center. The data…

ICOS has a strong observational network producing reliable, high quality data. As a highly distributed research infrastructure, the operations and network coordination require continuous…

Browse the third edition of the 2018 ICOS Newsletter here.

3/2018 Newsletter highlights include new ICOS stations certified for standardised data production, ICOS Science Conference,…