Welcome to the conference portal!
Due to the Covid-19 epidemic, the 4th ICOS Science Conference was organised virtually. The conference ran from Tuesday 15th to Thursday 17th of September, 2020. The overall, overarching theme of the conference was "Knowledge for shaping the future – understanding the Earth's biogeochemical processes”.
In the spirit of inclusion and open science, the virtual Science Conference was completely free of charge. However, a registration was required.
- News (17th September 2020): The ICOS Science Conference has conluded successfully!
- News (21st August 2020): FAQ and Instructions for presenters page now open
- News (22nd July 2020): ICOS Science Conference programme and book of abstracts published
- News (3rd July 2020): ICOS Science conference registration is now open
- News (11th June 2020): ICOS Science Conference will be organised virtually in September 2020
- News (9th April 2020): Abstract submission to ICOS Science Conference extended due to COVID-19 pandemic – virtual event a possibility

Conference registrations are now closed.

The full day-by-day programme for the conference.

ICOS Science Conference offers a unique possibility for targeted marketing and customer and user interaction.

The overall, overarching theme of the conference is "Knowledge for shaping the future – understanding the Earth's biogeochemical processes”.

The Science Conference will have many exciting top-scientist keynote speakers.

Also see our all abstracts page!

Frequently asked questions.

Short and long-form instructions for speakers, presenters, conveners, national networks, central facilities, and vendors.

Have any questions? Please contact us.