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Last week, ICOS Carbon Portal system architect Oleg Mirzov presented how "Ontologies (are) helping to keep global warming in check" in an after-work seminar at the FooCafe in Malmö. Oleg…

ICOS Carbon Portal at Lund University is looking for a junior scientific programmer who can adapt and integrate existing scientific software into the web service framework of ICOS Carbon Portal.…

ICOS Carbon Portal at Lund University is looking for you: a creative developer with interest or experience in advanced semantic web development, making use of open linked data, triple stores and…

ICOS National Network of Netherlands and the European Research Infrastructure for the observation of Aerosol, Clouds, and Trace gases, ACTRIS, have been awarded funding for the joint proposal to…

ICOS will participate to the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018 (EGU18) again this year. The EGU brings together geoscientists from around the world covering all disciplines of the…

The registration to the 3rd ICOS Science Conference is open.

The Science Conference on Greenhouse Gases and Biogeochemical Cycles will be organized in Prague, Czech Republic from Tuesday…

We at ICOS are seeking a capable summer trainee or thesis worker to become an expert in the field of personnel data protection, and to help us to develop processes and practices that fulfill the…

Browse the first edition of the 2018 ICOS Newsletter here.

1/2018 Newsletter highlights include the 3rd ICOS Science Conference, VERIFY project kickoff, ICOScapes photo campaign, GEO-C…

The Horizon 2020 VERIFY project was kicked off in Brussels on February 13–15, 2018. Close to 80 participants representing 37 partners from 14 countries attended the meeting. VERIFY is an ambitious…

In the end of January, CP team member Maria Johnsson participated in PIDapalooza – a conference (or festival as the organizers…