OTC services

On this page:

The OTC is devoted to helping the ICOS ocean observing community deliver the data we need to quantify the oceans role in planetary carbon cycling. The OTC is jointly operated by Norway and the U.K. with headquarters in Bergen, Norway.

National funding agencies supply >80% of OTC funding with membership subscriptions supporting the remainder. We invite stations from ICOS member countries to explore joining the ICOS MSA and hence benefit from the services the OTC provides. We will help you fund your station, demonstrate that it meets current best practice, address your calibration needs, manage and archive your data, transition to new observing technologies, link you into our extensive training programme, represent you in international fora and link you to end users.

The service we offer for ICOS stations

1) Leadership
Helping the ICOS Ocean Observing Community deliver data we need to quantify the oceans role in planetary Carbon Cycling

2) Station Certification 
Helping stations to document that they make the highest quality measurements consistent with international best practice 

3) Data
Building and sustaining the data pathway between ship and policy maker

4) Technology 
Helping stations to make better, cheaper, faster, less power intensive observations, often on new platforms

5) Training 
Helping the community stations to deliver the highest quality data


Website: https://otc.icos-cp.eu 
Director: Research Professor Richard Sanders, NORCE Bergen. Email: rsan@norceresearch,no 
Deputy Director: Professor Andrew Watson, University of Exeter, UK. Email: Andrew.Watson@exeter.ac.uk