ENVRIplus launches new call for Environmental RIs

27 October 2016

ENVRIplus has launched the first call for proposals to access European multi-disciplinary environmental research platforms.

It offers opportunities for free-of-charge transnational access to selected user groups in atmosphere, biosphere, marine and solid earth domains to four research facilities in cross-cutting areas in Europe:

· SMEAR II – Hyytiälä (Finland)

· OSUR – La Réunion (France)

· ETNA INGV (Italy)

· SOERE-ACBB (France)

Access is available during the access period to any of the four multi-disciplinary research platforms and is granted on the basis of proposals that are reviewed by an expert panel according to defined selection criteria. The access must be multi-disciplinary (i.e., cover at least two environmental domains) and be transnational. Upon acceptance, the selected groups (scientific researcher, student, engineer, technician, agent from both the public and private sector) will benefit of free administrative, logistical, technical and scientific support, and specific training for use of the infrastructure and/or instrumentation. The access may be used to perform basic, applied or industrial research, for testing and calibration of instruments, for training of users, for educational purposes etc.

Financial support to facilitate costs for travel, subsistence, instrumental transport or other of up to 5000€ per project may be granted to facilitate the access.

The access proposal is accepted for submission by any eligible user or user group during the publication of the call and before the call deadline:

Publication date: January 18, 2016

Proposal deadline: March 18, 2016

Access period: June 1, 2016 – August, 31 2017

For more information about the ENVRIplus access opportunities, please visit the ENVRIplus website at: http://www.envriplus.eu/1st-envriplus-call-for-transnational-access-is-open-2/Show less