We are pleased to announce the sessions for ICOS Science Conference 2024! This year’s conference takes place 10th-12th September 2024 in Versailles Palais des Congrès, France, and online. With the overarching theme “From GHG observations through science to services”, the sessions cover ICOS's three domains - Atmosphere, Ecosystem and Ocean.
These sessions reflect wider research themes in the ICOS sphere such as climate services, science communication and cooperation between Research Infrastructures. Members from the ICOS community submitted these theme. refined and approved by the Programme Committee, a body of leading climate science and policy figures supported by staff from the ICOS Head Office.
- Isotopes and other tracers for studies of methane sources and sinks
- Exchange of reactive gases and aerosols between the land surface and the atmosphere in natural and managed ecosystems
- Cross-domain technological development: autonomous vehicles, sensor miniaturisation, low-cost sensors and labour-intense approaches
- Processes involved in the greenhouse gas cycle in terrestrial ecosystems
- Impact of climate extremes on GHG fluxes: understanding driving processes and responses across scales
- Greenhouse gas fluxes at high latitudes and climate/human induced feedbacks
- Carbon Cycling along the Land Ocean Aquatic Continuum
- Enhancing the ocean carbon sink: the science, verification, and governance of marine-based carbon dioxide removal (mCDR)
- Combining data and models to improve estimates of regional to global GHG budgets and trends
- Remote sensing of greenhouse gases from ground and space: Their application for carbon cycle studies, satellite and model validation and building MVS capacity
- Quantification of urban greenhouse gas emissions - from novel monitoring to source identification
- Translating Scientific CO2 Emission Research into City Services
- In situ data for climate and other environmental services and policy support
- Leveraging Direct Flux Measurements Beyond Academia for Real-World Applications
- Science communication and outreach to increase the impact of climate research
- Continuous Learning in a changing world - Teaching and learning novel tools & methods used for measurement techniques’, data & policy
- Best Practices in the landscape of Research Infrastructures: Cooperation, Colocation and other lessons learned
Abstract submission will open in February. Keep up-to-date with the latest ICOS Science Conference news on our channels:
- ICOS Science Conference website: https://www.icos-cp.eu/news-and-events/science-conference/icos2024sc
- X (formerly Twitter): https://twitter.com/ICOS_RI
- LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/integrated-carbon-observation-system
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/icosri/